Commissions Start @ $10,000 US

The Inductee's ( from left to right ) Bill Spiller, Joe Louis, John Shippen,& Teddy Rhodes ...The 1st African American to be inducted into The PGA Hall of Fame

Showtime - 36" X 48" - Acrylic on Canvas

The Invitation - 24" X 48" - Acrylic on Canvas

Passion Fruit - 4'ft X 8'ft Phyllis, Marvin, Thelonious, Buddy, Miles

Tiger - 30" X 40" - Acrylic on Canvas

The Greatest - 4'ft X 8'ft - Muhammad Ali - Acrylic on Canvas

Butta - 30" X 48" - Acrylic on Canvas

One of Williams’ most breathtaking pieces of work to date is “Anointed Gift,” the work commissioned by actor comedian Bernie Mac, as a gift for television personality Oprah Winfrey’s 50th birthday. Commemorating her visit to and philanthropic work in South Africa. The painting, which took three months to complete, challenges onlookers to see their gifts with clarity. “People like Ms. Winfrey – people who have used their time on this Earth to help other – should look at this painting and, I hope, never again wonder why they were chosen to be influential or powerful. I want them to understand that these are God’s gifts given to them to use.” Painting the work for Ms. Winfrey was, he says, “a spiritual experience.”
Anointed Gift